I have gone over the past several years from being one of Daniel Pinchbeck’s greatest fans to one of his biggest critics not that anybody reads my opinions. At any rate, I won’t go there and will even end with a positive note regarding him.
There’s many things I could comment on with this article. It’s very interesting. Goes in a lot of different places and holds a through line nicely.
My take on the whole election nightmare is this, It’s not my theory, but it’s one I agree with. Anyway, they have chosen Trump to win because the Covid rollout did not go as planned. At this point, they were planning that we would all be locked down and Covid would be going strong and all of these other hideous psy-ops would be rolling out one after the other and we should be in three levels of hell by now, but that didn’t work out. maybe the bug wasn’t deadly enough or the poison jabs sinister enough to fool everyone into thinking that it was the bug that was continuing to kill everybody at the ever increasing rates that they were planning on. I suspect that RFK, Tulsi Gabert, and the bunch are all captured. I can't explain how that all works but they all act very suspicious to me. The idea that they all jump into bed with Trump, who I don’t have a lot of problems with, but Elon, I do have problems with, and his whole trans-human we’re gonna put chips in your head just doesn't jive, calling Kamala a cunt a week before the most divisive election in 140 years just doesn't sit right. It’s all going the same basic direction, as the Democrats, into a world government and they’ll be an elite class with a bunch of slave half-robot half-people and a depopulated earth of a half a billion. I really don’t believe there’s a big difference between the leaders of these two parties only their followers. I think Trump’s in on all of it. It’s all so crazy that it does make me question to what degree I believe that our reality is malleable. Is it 100%? is it 5%? It seems like it used to be a fraction. Now all bets are off.
And so this brings me back to Pinchbeck. I had just related this story to my sister today, a story I have repeated many times before. It comes from something I learned from Pinchbeck's writing. I’ve read all of his books up until recently. He tells the story of talking to an indigenous group of Mexicans and how they relate to him that we are now in the Age of the Dark Sun. Apparently, we go through six or seven different ages of the sun where we travel through different parts of the galaxy, resulting in different manifestations. What’s peculiar about this one, the Age of the Dark Sun, is that during this time the world acts and appears as if we are living in a dream state. The world no longer appears as it used to as recently as 5-10 years ago, or before 2012. That time not long ago when reality pretty much made sense and we all kind of agreed on how it worked. Now our reality is much more akin to a dream and/or a nightmare state. What’s coming around the next corner is just like a dream, it’s gonna be another big surprise something we couldn't even imagine. That description certainly rings true to me, and explains what my sense of the world is at this point. I think we can rest assured that more crazy things are coming. I think this Trump administration will provide us a bit of an intermission. Though I think there will be some fireworks surrounding this election, probably lasting until the inauguration. I think this intermission could last a year or so until the wars get going. I think Trump will take office but see more trouble, an indication that he’s not gonna last more than a few months into his presidency. I think the first week of March does not look good Trump.
First, yes, I also read that particular Pinchbeck book you’re referencing and was quite taken by it. I think we can also simply point to Neptune’s transit through Pisces with it at its final degree from May to September this year and returning their next year before it dances back and forth from Pisces to Aries until February 2026 as a more localized astrological explanation for the dreamy quality of reality now.
It’s funny you bring it up because a few hours ago I sent a voice message to an astrologer friend who I know is on Team Harris about my astrological prediction for the election and I shared that I believed Neptune in late Pisces is the defining factor of this election, meaning that everyone is making their predictions and basing their decisions off of a very personalized fantasy/delusion (and that includes me, of course).
As for your mundane predictions, I wouldn’t be surprised at all if that happened. I have thought since the spring that the Establishment does not want the Democrats to win because they recognize a mighty shit storm is brewing and they want Trump to be responsible for it. That’s the Machiavellian nature of their thinking. As a political strategy, I don’t really fault them and can even applaud the cunning; as a human who tries to live by a code of decent ethics, I find that decision, like so many they’ve made in my life, disgusting, lacking integrity and accountability.
I hold all sorts of possibilities for what may be coming, though, partly because I’ve seen things happen I never expected and I suspect the outer planets all in masculine signs for the second half of the 2020s is going to bring a whole different zeitgeist and awareness with it. While I can certainly see how that could signify war, I get irritated with astrologers who speak of past patterns, i.e. “Uranus in Gemini found the US in two previous wars (Civil and WW2), therefore war WILL happen between 2025-33.” I don’t believe in such WILLS. The Universe is alive with possibilities, patterns break, and Free Will and human consciousness are always the wild card. (Also, I’m not sure two really makes a pattern and note how many astrologers say it is three, counting the start of the cycle when the US was born and then saying the Revolutionary War happened, but I think you discard that just as you wouldn’t say that one’s first Saturn Return in one’s late 20s is “the second time Saturn has returned for the native.” I suspect such astrologers may be aware that two is an awfully small pattern and thus they add this one to bolster their case, but that just seems like rigging the stats to me and makes their case seem even weaker).
Anyway, while I didn’t get to it in this article, as someone who is a fan of both Whitney Webb and Alison McDowell (do you know them?), I’m under no illusions that Trump/Vance may be controlled opposition, useful idiots, etc. and that they will play a part bringing about the world you’ve outlined. I also suspect RFK Jr. and Tulsi may have been captured by something, though it might be as simple as ambition driving an earnest belief they can do good if they wear the Ring of Power.
In the end, who am I to know? Who is anyone? That’s one reason I’m disappointed by Pinchbeck’s recent stance. Since 2020 and the COVID-19 craziness, I’ve watched him increasingly push out the mainstream narrative on things and use his excellent intellect to argue for why he’s doing so, but I’ve concurrently watched humility and kindness seep out of his transmissions. Over the past month, anyone who even asks him questions about his vision from a skeptical or critical perspective gets labeled and berated by him. It’s sad, because two years ago, I regularly pushed back in the Comments section of his Substack and he told me several times how much he valued HOW I engaged with him, even as he disagreed with me. Thus, as his pop psychologist, I’ve given him a prescription for TDS and told him to drink lots of frog urine, eat several flames of fire, dance naked around his bedroom and yard, and check back with me around November 10th! 😂
Anyway, thanks for engaging. I always enjoy how you communicate!
yeah, I used to engage with Daniel in his comments section and commented about his rabid Support for the Ukraine war and his apparent change of tune regarding the mRNA and Bill Gates. He attacked me with some pretty low blows. It was interesting to see some pretty astute People come to my defense waging responses that were way above my caliber. Anyway, I had had enough and exited stage left and never looked back. and yes, I’m very familiar with Whitney Webb. I haven’t listened to her books yet but it’s top of my list. I will definitely have to check out Allison McDowell. Thank you for the recommendation.
I saw a segment on the World Astrology Report where he referenced a book called Sign of the Times by Stan Barker. I managed to get a copy from the library. Anyway, written in 1986 it provides more trepidatious warnings looking at the Neptune cycle. Two cycles ago when Neptune went into Aries, England fought the War of the Spanish Succession which was pretty bloody and spilled over into colonial America where the extant practiced of scalping was revived. The last time Neptune was in Aries, we had the Civil War with more casualties than all of our other wars combined. There was also General Sherman's scorched earth policy through the south, and the Chicago fire that occurred after the war and before Neptune went to Taurus. He does mention, in the book, that if the age of Aquarius is occurring at this time, would should then see Neptune in Pisces not being so religious since the era of Pisces will have ended. This could be an indication of Neptune losing its power and resulting in the "Neptune in Aries" not being filled with terrible bloodshed. I don’t put a lot of weight in Modern astrology, but I would not characterize these last 14 years, of Neptune in Pisces, as being particularly religious. On the contrary, it seems to me to be a very trans-human atheistic Aquarian time. So, maybe I will become a believer especially if that horrendous and not very good movie "Civil War" does not come to pass. https://youtu.be/6RtR0B1qJXc?si=Z3JLkdKOFL2s8iEW Also, I recommend the Easter Island video it is mind boggling... https://youtu.be/DwTJ7BhYtHQ?si=1yyGZM1JeOxPENH8
Did you ever read Pinchbeck’s “Deep Zero: A Play in Five Acts”? It came out in summer 2019 and I think I read it around four years ago, winter 2020-21.
Anyway, the reason I ask is—no spoilers—-that it was in that text that I first sort of felt a rather vengeful, dark side working through Daniel and it was REALLY off-putting for me. I believe that since he wrote that, he’s only grown more like that, though I see him still struggling to maintain good humor and will toward others.
Anyway, yeah, it’s too bad, but I suppose if you believe as it seems he does that we humans are bringing about the end of the world but aren’t doing enough to stop it, you might build some resentment toward your fellows.
As for Webb, yeah, I’ve got part 1 of her Epstein book but, TBH, only read about 10 percent of it. It’s just so detail-oriented and maybe not all that enjoyable to read, at least for me. I do really respect her work, though, so usually just listen to interviews or conversations she has.
And last, Alison McDowell is definitely a trip and not most people’s cup of tea. That includes me, usually. She’s also one of those detail-oriented galaxy-brains and she does these presentations with one of those mind-map programs with all the dots connecting things. Her focus is on education, the gamification of our education system and culture and Big Tech.
Unfortunately, while I have made contact with her and we had some nice exchanges, she handled our last conversation rather dismissively and I’ve seen her do that with others, too. I think she and Daniel are sort of cut from the same cloth. Still, here’s her website if you want to go down that rabbit hole. She’s definitely offering something unique and I do still check-in with her work a few times a year:
I would agree that traditional religions waned in influence during the current Neptune in Pisces transit, but I think a lot of the political/cultural stuff commonly referred to as "woke" behaved much like a religion in practice. In that sense, it has been a very religious last 14 years. I think Neptune in Pisces will generally idealize stories of suffering and sacrifice, though the focus of those stories may vary from Jesus Christ to Black Trans Lives to any number of other things.
I was thinking about the levels of people going to church and who say they believe in God are both at historic lows. Satan seems to be at an all-time high in popularity ratings. i’m not sure if he counts though. Even people who believe in him say he’s not real, but that is reminiscent of much of western Christianity in modern times. My sense is that Christianity is passing away. Perhaps something new will come in the new age.
ABSOLUTELY---on Woke and many aspects of that culture being one of the most obvious expressions of the religious impulse in the Neptune in Pisces era. It's so freakin' dogmatic! I suspect that's why it's also losing its stranglehold to some degree, though I know from having friends in the Pacific Northwest that it's still a pretty powerful cultural force. I could be wrong, but I think in the past few years, more and more people who aren't traditionally conservative or religious are finally speaking out against some of where that movement has gone.
As for the Neptune in Pisces era, in general, I also think this is when some of the plant-medicine spirituality, like ayahuasca retreats and such, has gone relatively mainstream. I read Terence McKenna and the like back in the 1990s and early 2000s and it was reasonably fringe. Nowadays, I can be watching a podcast about NFL football and hear them joking around about ayahuasca because some players in that traditionally conservative league are into it.
Last, have either of you ever come across the work of Gigi Young?
I don't know how to describe it or her, but she teaches about esoteric history, Mystery Schools like theosophy and people like Rudolf Steiner. She's a fascinating gal, and she's done a fair amount of work on the rise of a new transhumanist-type religion, which is connected to the worship of Mars. I'm NOT doing it justice.
Her work is NOT for the faint of heart, but I bring it up mainly because I share her opinion that the religious/spiritual impulse is inherent to humanity, and if repressed, it just emerges in very destructive ways. Thus, I'm more concerned about the role that this impulse will play in the future than if we had more healthy traditional or even New Age religions around with which people could engage.
I definitely agree about the religious/ spiritual impulse. You have helped me to focus my thoughts. I should not have spoken about the religious impulse, in general, when what I meant was Christianity specifically. Pisces will forever be associated with Christ and Christianity. Christianity is coming to an apocalyptic(?) end. I find it very striking that some of my close relatives have a nearly physical aversion to the mere mention of Christian ideals and belief. I feel very much that they have been indoctrinated. This change in the Zeitgeist is related to Woke in many important ways. Have you watched any of Uberboyo's videos. He is very good. This video is on Christianity, Alchemy, trans-humanism, and the singularity. "Carl Jung's Scary Prophecy about Artificial Intelligence". He has ALLOT of video on Jung.
Umm, thanks? Since you took the time to write a critical comment, perhaps you’d care to share why you felt like it was a waste of time? I’m earnestly asking because your answer might give me some constructive criticism so I can improve next time. Thanks!
I have gone over the past several years from being one of Daniel Pinchbeck’s greatest fans to one of his biggest critics not that anybody reads my opinions. At any rate, I won’t go there and will even end with a positive note regarding him.
There’s many things I could comment on with this article. It’s very interesting. Goes in a lot of different places and holds a through line nicely.
My take on the whole election nightmare is this, It’s not my theory, but it’s one I agree with. Anyway, they have chosen Trump to win because the Covid rollout did not go as planned. At this point, they were planning that we would all be locked down and Covid would be going strong and all of these other hideous psy-ops would be rolling out one after the other and we should be in three levels of hell by now, but that didn’t work out. maybe the bug wasn’t deadly enough or the poison jabs sinister enough to fool everyone into thinking that it was the bug that was continuing to kill everybody at the ever increasing rates that they were planning on. I suspect that RFK, Tulsi Gabert, and the bunch are all captured. I can't explain how that all works but they all act very suspicious to me. The idea that they all jump into bed with Trump, who I don’t have a lot of problems with, but Elon, I do have problems with, and his whole trans-human we’re gonna put chips in your head just doesn't jive, calling Kamala a cunt a week before the most divisive election in 140 years just doesn't sit right. It’s all going the same basic direction, as the Democrats, into a world government and they’ll be an elite class with a bunch of slave half-robot half-people and a depopulated earth of a half a billion. I really don’t believe there’s a big difference between the leaders of these two parties only their followers. I think Trump’s in on all of it. It’s all so crazy that it does make me question to what degree I believe that our reality is malleable. Is it 100%? is it 5%? It seems like it used to be a fraction. Now all bets are off.
And so this brings me back to Pinchbeck. I had just related this story to my sister today, a story I have repeated many times before. It comes from something I learned from Pinchbeck's writing. I’ve read all of his books up until recently. He tells the story of talking to an indigenous group of Mexicans and how they relate to him that we are now in the Age of the Dark Sun. Apparently, we go through six or seven different ages of the sun where we travel through different parts of the galaxy, resulting in different manifestations. What’s peculiar about this one, the Age of the Dark Sun, is that during this time the world acts and appears as if we are living in a dream state. The world no longer appears as it used to as recently as 5-10 years ago, or before 2012. That time not long ago when reality pretty much made sense and we all kind of agreed on how it worked. Now our reality is much more akin to a dream and/or a nightmare state. What’s coming around the next corner is just like a dream, it’s gonna be another big surprise something we couldn't even imagine. That description certainly rings true to me, and explains what my sense of the world is at this point. I think we can rest assured that more crazy things are coming. I think this Trump administration will provide us a bit of an intermission. Though I think there will be some fireworks surrounding this election, probably lasting until the inauguration. I think this intermission could last a year or so until the wars get going. I think Trump will take office but see more trouble, an indication that he’s not gonna last more than a few months into his presidency. I think the first week of March does not look good Trump.
Good stuff there!
First, yes, I also read that particular Pinchbeck book you’re referencing and was quite taken by it. I think we can also simply point to Neptune’s transit through Pisces with it at its final degree from May to September this year and returning their next year before it dances back and forth from Pisces to Aries until February 2026 as a more localized astrological explanation for the dreamy quality of reality now.
It’s funny you bring it up because a few hours ago I sent a voice message to an astrologer friend who I know is on Team Harris about my astrological prediction for the election and I shared that I believed Neptune in late Pisces is the defining factor of this election, meaning that everyone is making their predictions and basing their decisions off of a very personalized fantasy/delusion (and that includes me, of course).
As for your mundane predictions, I wouldn’t be surprised at all if that happened. I have thought since the spring that the Establishment does not want the Democrats to win because they recognize a mighty shit storm is brewing and they want Trump to be responsible for it. That’s the Machiavellian nature of their thinking. As a political strategy, I don’t really fault them and can even applaud the cunning; as a human who tries to live by a code of decent ethics, I find that decision, like so many they’ve made in my life, disgusting, lacking integrity and accountability.
I hold all sorts of possibilities for what may be coming, though, partly because I’ve seen things happen I never expected and I suspect the outer planets all in masculine signs for the second half of the 2020s is going to bring a whole different zeitgeist and awareness with it. While I can certainly see how that could signify war, I get irritated with astrologers who speak of past patterns, i.e. “Uranus in Gemini found the US in two previous wars (Civil and WW2), therefore war WILL happen between 2025-33.” I don’t believe in such WILLS. The Universe is alive with possibilities, patterns break, and Free Will and human consciousness are always the wild card. (Also, I’m not sure two really makes a pattern and note how many astrologers say it is three, counting the start of the cycle when the US was born and then saying the Revolutionary War happened, but I think you discard that just as you wouldn’t say that one’s first Saturn Return in one’s late 20s is “the second time Saturn has returned for the native.” I suspect such astrologers may be aware that two is an awfully small pattern and thus they add this one to bolster their case, but that just seems like rigging the stats to me and makes their case seem even weaker).
Anyway, while I didn’t get to it in this article, as someone who is a fan of both Whitney Webb and Alison McDowell (do you know them?), I’m under no illusions that Trump/Vance may be controlled opposition, useful idiots, etc. and that they will play a part bringing about the world you’ve outlined. I also suspect RFK Jr. and Tulsi may have been captured by something, though it might be as simple as ambition driving an earnest belief they can do good if they wear the Ring of Power.
In the end, who am I to know? Who is anyone? That’s one reason I’m disappointed by Pinchbeck’s recent stance. Since 2020 and the COVID-19 craziness, I’ve watched him increasingly push out the mainstream narrative on things and use his excellent intellect to argue for why he’s doing so, but I’ve concurrently watched humility and kindness seep out of his transmissions. Over the past month, anyone who even asks him questions about his vision from a skeptical or critical perspective gets labeled and berated by him. It’s sad, because two years ago, I regularly pushed back in the Comments section of his Substack and he told me several times how much he valued HOW I engaged with him, even as he disagreed with me. Thus, as his pop psychologist, I’ve given him a prescription for TDS and told him to drink lots of frog urine, eat several flames of fire, dance naked around his bedroom and yard, and check back with me around November 10th! 😂
Anyway, thanks for engaging. I always enjoy how you communicate!
yeah, I used to engage with Daniel in his comments section and commented about his rabid Support for the Ukraine war and his apparent change of tune regarding the mRNA and Bill Gates. He attacked me with some pretty low blows. It was interesting to see some pretty astute People come to my defense waging responses that were way above my caliber. Anyway, I had had enough and exited stage left and never looked back. and yes, I’m very familiar with Whitney Webb. I haven’t listened to her books yet but it’s top of my list. I will definitely have to check out Allison McDowell. Thank you for the recommendation.
I saw a segment on the World Astrology Report where he referenced a book called Sign of the Times by Stan Barker. I managed to get a copy from the library. Anyway, written in 1986 it provides more trepidatious warnings looking at the Neptune cycle. Two cycles ago when Neptune went into Aries, England fought the War of the Spanish Succession which was pretty bloody and spilled over into colonial America where the extant practiced of scalping was revived. The last time Neptune was in Aries, we had the Civil War with more casualties than all of our other wars combined. There was also General Sherman's scorched earth policy through the south, and the Chicago fire that occurred after the war and before Neptune went to Taurus. He does mention, in the book, that if the age of Aquarius is occurring at this time, would should then see Neptune in Pisces not being so religious since the era of Pisces will have ended. This could be an indication of Neptune losing its power and resulting in the "Neptune in Aries" not being filled with terrible bloodshed. I don’t put a lot of weight in Modern astrology, but I would not characterize these last 14 years, of Neptune in Pisces, as being particularly religious. On the contrary, it seems to me to be a very trans-human atheistic Aquarian time. So, maybe I will become a believer especially if that horrendous and not very good movie "Civil War" does not come to pass. https://youtu.be/6RtR0B1qJXc?si=Z3JLkdKOFL2s8iEW Also, I recommend the Easter Island video it is mind boggling... https://youtu.be/DwTJ7BhYtHQ?si=1yyGZM1JeOxPENH8
Did you ever read Pinchbeck’s “Deep Zero: A Play in Five Acts”? It came out in summer 2019 and I think I read it around four years ago, winter 2020-21.
Anyway, the reason I ask is—no spoilers—-that it was in that text that I first sort of felt a rather vengeful, dark side working through Daniel and it was REALLY off-putting for me. I believe that since he wrote that, he’s only grown more like that, though I see him still struggling to maintain good humor and will toward others.
Anyway, yeah, it’s too bad, but I suppose if you believe as it seems he does that we humans are bringing about the end of the world but aren’t doing enough to stop it, you might build some resentment toward your fellows.
As for Webb, yeah, I’ve got part 1 of her Epstein book but, TBH, only read about 10 percent of it. It’s just so detail-oriented and maybe not all that enjoyable to read, at least for me. I do really respect her work, though, so usually just listen to interviews or conversations she has.
And last, Alison McDowell is definitely a trip and not most people’s cup of tea. That includes me, usually. She’s also one of those detail-oriented galaxy-brains and she does these presentations with one of those mind-map programs with all the dots connecting things. Her focus is on education, the gamification of our education system and culture and Big Tech.
Unfortunately, while I have made contact with her and we had some nice exchanges, she handled our last conversation rather dismissively and I’ve seen her do that with others, too. I think she and Daniel are sort of cut from the same cloth. Still, here’s her website if you want to go down that rabbit hole. She’s definitely offering something unique and I do still check-in with her work a few times a year:
I would agree that traditional religions waned in influence during the current Neptune in Pisces transit, but I think a lot of the political/cultural stuff commonly referred to as "woke" behaved much like a religion in practice. In that sense, it has been a very religious last 14 years. I think Neptune in Pisces will generally idealize stories of suffering and sacrifice, though the focus of those stories may vary from Jesus Christ to Black Trans Lives to any number of other things.
I was thinking about the levels of people going to church and who say they believe in God are both at historic lows. Satan seems to be at an all-time high in popularity ratings. i’m not sure if he counts though. Even people who believe in him say he’s not real, but that is reminiscent of much of western Christianity in modern times. My sense is that Christianity is passing away. Perhaps something new will come in the new age.
First, to Eva,
ABSOLUTELY---on Woke and many aspects of that culture being one of the most obvious expressions of the religious impulse in the Neptune in Pisces era. It's so freakin' dogmatic! I suspect that's why it's also losing its stranglehold to some degree, though I know from having friends in the Pacific Northwest that it's still a pretty powerful cultural force. I could be wrong, but I think in the past few years, more and more people who aren't traditionally conservative or religious are finally speaking out against some of where that movement has gone.
As for the Neptune in Pisces era, in general, I also think this is when some of the plant-medicine spirituality, like ayahuasca retreats and such, has gone relatively mainstream. I read Terence McKenna and the like back in the 1990s and early 2000s and it was reasonably fringe. Nowadays, I can be watching a podcast about NFL football and hear them joking around about ayahuasca because some players in that traditionally conservative league are into it.
Last, have either of you ever come across the work of Gigi Young?
I don't know how to describe it or her, but she teaches about esoteric history, Mystery Schools like theosophy and people like Rudolf Steiner. She's a fascinating gal, and she's done a fair amount of work on the rise of a new transhumanist-type religion, which is connected to the worship of Mars. I'm NOT doing it justice.
Here's one video she did that's about an hour long, sort of documentary style: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-1iGTx1Zbak
And then here's one of her livestream talks/lectures where she goes into more detail. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KK3kGXdHnXA
Her work is NOT for the faint of heart, but I bring it up mainly because I share her opinion that the religious/spiritual impulse is inherent to humanity, and if repressed, it just emerges in very destructive ways. Thus, I'm more concerned about the role that this impulse will play in the future than if we had more healthy traditional or even New Age religions around with which people could engage.
I definitely agree about the religious/ spiritual impulse. You have helped me to focus my thoughts. I should not have spoken about the religious impulse, in general, when what I meant was Christianity specifically. Pisces will forever be associated with Christ and Christianity. Christianity is coming to an apocalyptic(?) end. I find it very striking that some of my close relatives have a nearly physical aversion to the mere mention of Christian ideals and belief. I feel very much that they have been indoctrinated. This change in the Zeitgeist is related to Woke in many important ways. Have you watched any of Uberboyo's videos. He is very good. This video is on Christianity, Alchemy, trans-humanism, and the singularity. "Carl Jung's Scary Prophecy about Artificial Intelligence". He has ALLOT of video on Jung.
I feel like I wasted my time reading that but kudos on writing so much on the topic.
Umm, thanks? Since you took the time to write a critical comment, perhaps you’d care to share why you felt like it was a waste of time? I’m earnestly asking because your answer might give me some constructive criticism so I can improve next time. Thanks!